
1 Min

You seek the supreme. As a matter of fact, you are supreme, but you are entangled in illusion. How can you escape? Everything binds, everything gives a sense of I. Whatever you aspire to binds, and so everyone, whether poor, rich, healthy, sick, philosopher, sinner or saint, have moments of depression and unhappiness due to the soul being burdened with this load of impressions on its mind.
How to escape from this load? The only wanting, the only desiring that binds for freedom is love. The lover too wants. The lover wants union, but in this union the I gets so feeble that the binding, instead of hindering, helps to free. The moth around the candle-flame wants union with the flame, but the wanting I is so feeble that the moth does not think for a moment about the result, and is not a bit afraid of being burnt. Why? I in love is very feeble.