1 Min

We have to drop these physical bodies sometime, for they cannot be preserved. To illustrate this: suppose one’s finger is chopped off, or a leg is crippled. We should not worry or weep over it, because we know that this whole physical body has to be discarded one day. But we should be most careful about our minds, which are of the utmost use to us. The mind should be directed toward proper spheres. It should be kept in check and utilised.
If this body, which we have to discard one day, is used for anything, it should be used in the service of three causes: God, the Master, and our fellow man. The body may become weary and worn out, it may bring us suffering, but so what? Man, as a physical being, is destined to suffer. So long as the body is vibrant, active and under our control, man can be said to have used it for a good cause by directing his energies in any good or noble work.