
1 Min

In the intimate spirit of the sahavas, I must be free and frank with you and tell you whatever I feel like saying. Why shout to others, ‘Baba says God is the only reality, and all else is illusion,’ when you yourself cannot help whispering to me about your own illusions?

There are doubtless many among you here who are sincere and painstaking in your efforts to explain my message to one and all, that they should ignore illusion and awaken to reality. Yet these sincere workers do not hesitate to bring to my attention their own tales of illusory woes and worries, such as ‘Baba, I am short of money,’ ‘My wife is not in good health,’ ‘I am about to lose my job,’ ‘There is trouble in my business,’ and so on. Would it be truthful for one of these to tell others, ‘Baba says, do not worry about illusory things. God knows everything and God does everything’? Why preach at all what you yourself cannot put into practice?

If you do not find yourself free of falsehood, envy, slander, backbiting and hatred, and if you find in yourself lack of love and consideration for others, then instead of telling others Baba says this and Baba says that, you had best keep quiet and not show your face to those whom you would like to win over to me.