add baba

1 Min
add baba

The easiest and shortest way to God-realisation is through the contact of a Sadguru, which means keeping the company or sahavas of such a Master, obeying him and serving him. This remedy is like a special express train which carries you straight to your destination.

The second way is to repeat, with all love and in all sincerity, any one name of God, and in the absence of a Sadguru, to serve humanity selflessly. This is like a journey by a passenger train, which halts at almost every station.

The third method takes a very long time. It means performing all the rites and ceremonies of one’s religion wholeheartedly and faithfully, but not mechanically. This method is like a freight train chugging along very slowly.

The Avatars and Perfect Masters carry their special disciples with them by express trains. To those individuals who are inclined toward devotion and service, the Masters have shown the path of selfless service and repetition of God’s name. And for the world at large, they have pointed to the path of observing rituals and ceremonies. ###