
1 Min

The Avatar’s mission is to awaken humanity to the realization of the True Self. He comes to awaken humanity to the fact that the True Self is beyond the limitations of the physical body, the energy body, and the mental body. He comes to awaken humanity to the fact that the True Self is eternal, infinite, and timeless.

The Avatar’s message is not a new one. It is the same eternal message that has been given by all the Avataras throughout history. The message is simple: ‘Love God, and love your fellow man.’ But the Avatar’s message is not just a philosophical or intellectual concept. It is a living, breathing reality that must be experienced and lived.

The Avatar’s mission is not to found a new religion or to establish a new sect. His mission is to awaken humanity to the reality of the True Self, and to help humanity to experience the bliss and joy of that reality.