State Dept Press Briefing – January 3, 2023

State Dept spokesperson, Ned Price fielded a wide range of questions at his presser on Jan 3, 2023. He began with questions on Ukraine and Russia and then went on to take questions on Afghanistan and Pakistan among others. We are bringing up front the Q-A on Afghanistan and Pakistan.
MR PRICE: Good afternoon, everyone. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Hopefully many of you were able to have some down time with family, with friends, return rested, recharged, hopefully relaxed, at least for the next few days.
A couple things at the top and then we’ll move to your questions. First, as we do welcome the new year, we also reflect on the events of the past year. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th of last year, thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed, maimed, and wounded, and many have been victims of war crimes and other atrocities committed by Russia and Russian-backed forces in Putin’s unprovoked, needless, and brutal war.
We look forward to Finland and Sweden joining an expanded NATO Alliance, which is stronger and more purposeful than ever. EU and NATO member states remain fully committed to standing with and supporting Ukraine.
Next and finally, we are pleased to announce that the Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology begins operations today. The Office of the Special Envoy will help the department fulfil its mission of working with allies and partners to ensure that technology is developed and used in ways that protect our common interests and uphold our shared values. It will work in close coordination with the various bureaus and offices across the department that are engaging on these and other technology topics that are central to our foreign policy.
So with that, happy to take your questions.
QUESTION: Afghanistan?
MR PRICE: Afghanistan? Sure.
QUESTION: Thank you, Ned. Happy New Year.
MR PRICE: Happy New Year.
QUESTION: thank you. As you mentioned, unfortunately we didn’t celebrate it because of Afghan girl and Afghan women in Afghanistan. They are crying. Even if you watch the TV – now we are living in globalization, immediately we get news. Any update to bring or influence, as of course you guys have influences to Taliban? Any change? Because still the Taliban keep the commitment; they say this is Sharia law, they are not going to open the schools.
And number two, the second question: Pakistan announced that they will attack Afghanistan because they said that Afghan Taliban encourage Pakistani Taliban to do something in their country. I don’t know if they attack in Afghanistan in this situation. It’s really crisis in Afghanistan (inaudible).
MR PRICE: Nazira, I don’t need to tell you now that we have seen repeated offenses on the part of the Afghan Taliban targeting the women, the girls, the people of Afghanistan repeatedly. Most recently it was on December 24th, on Christmas Eve, when the Taliban issued the edict barring humanitarian organizations from working with women, barring female employees of national and international nongovernmental organizations from the workplace. It was not lost on us that the Taliban announced this decision on December 24th; they may well have calculated that the United States and our partners around the world, many of our partners around the world, would have been distracted by the Christmas holiday, perhaps would have been slow in responding.
We wanted to be very clear and very swift in condemning this outrageous decision. It was that very day that Secretary Blinken, that Deputy Secretary Sherman, that Tom West, our special representative for Afghanistan, that Rina Amiri, our special envoy for Afghan women and girls, that Karen Decker, the head of our Afghan Affairs Unit, and others very clearly used their voices to condemn this move. It was just a couple days later when the G7, along with a number of other countries, put out a statement noting our collective grave concern about this reckless and this dangerous edict barring women from working with international NGOs.
This decision puts at risk millions of Afghans who depend on humanitarian assistance for their very survival. We call on the Taliban to urgently reverse this harmful decision. We are monitoring the evolving situation very closely, the impacts that this edict has had and may potentially yet have, and we’re in constant contact with UN and NGO partners on the state of their operations in Afghanistan.
We know that women are central to humanitarian operations around the world. In Afghanistan in particular, only women have been able until now, at least, to reach some of the most vulnerable people inside Afghanistan. Women must work at NGOs. They must be in a position to do so, so that millions of Afghans can receive food, medicine, winterization materials, again for their very survival. They’re essential to the delivery of this assistance and to ensuring that other women, children, and other members of vulnerable group – vulnerable groups – excuse me – receive this assistance.
This ban is already significantly impeding humanitarian actors’ ability to deliver vital and lifesaving assistance to millions, and it’s actually forced some organizations to pause their operations. The Taliban continue to demonstrate their contempt for the welfare and the rights and freedoms of the Afghan people, particularly women and girls, and their disinterest in normal relations with the international community.
We are assessing the impact on this edict. We’re discussing options that will allow us to maintain a strong, principled position as the single largest donor of humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan while also doing what we can to prevent the humanitarian situation from deteriorating even further as a result of the difficult operating environment the Taliban have themselves created.
We are committed to helping to alleviate the suffering of the Afghan people, who are the victims of the Taliban’s own harmful policies, and we are looking at what specific consequences can be labeled – can be levied against the Taliban to register our condemnation – again, doing so in coordination with allies and partners.
QUESTION: And Taliban didn’t pay attention. Practically, what is the next action of the United State?
MR PRICE: Well –
QUESTION: Because Taliban say we didn’t see anything and do agreement. We didn’t see anything about human right. That’s why they didn’t pay attention. They say we follow sharia law. They never change ideology. Taliban is kind of ideology. What will be your next action, United State and Europe?
MR PRICE: We are discussing those very specific consequences both internally and with allies and partners. We have said repeatedly that there will be a response from the United States. We’re going to continue to coordinate closely. We’ll share additional details on that when we have.
To your – to the broader point of your question, the Taliban have made commitments to the international community. But more importantly, they have made commitments to the Afghan people. Those are the commitments we care most about. Among the commitments the Taliban have made but have repeatedly broken when it comes to their own people is an emphasis on human rights, is an emphasis on forming a government that represents the people of Afghanistan, and a number of other steps that the Taliban have been unable or unwilling to fulfill.
As long as the Taliban is not able to fulfill these commitments, we will respond in a way that registers our strong condemnation while continuing to support the Afghan people. And we’re going to be very careful not to do anything that could further imperil the humanitarian well-being of the Afghan people.
When it comes to your first question, or your second question, on Pakistan, we’re aware of the recent statement by the Pakistani National Security Committee. The Pakistani people have suffered tremendously from terrorist attacks. Pakistan has a right to defend itself from terrorism.
And meanwhile, we continue, just as I said a moment ago, to call on the Taliban to uphold the very commitment they have made to see to it that Afghan soil is never again used as a launchpad for international terrorist attacks. These are among the very commitments that the Taliban have been unable or unwilling to fulfil to date.
QUESTION: So, but, Ned, it’s been since this – since December 24th it’s been 10 days, 11 days, right? So, by your own calculation, isn’t it – the Taliban will look to be – look to have been correct that there would be a slow international response if they announced this on Christmas eve.
MR PRICE: Matt, we —
QUESTION: So there’s nothing other than these collective statements of grave concern has actually been done —
MR PRICE: Which, in fact, is itself important because it very clearly signals the response from the United States. Many of our partners responded in close succession shortly after we did. The G7 issued a statement on December 28th along with several other countries, and I can assure you —
QUESTION: (Off-mike.)
MR PRICE: I can assure you that we have been having detailed discussions with our partners, with international NGOs —
QUESTION: But nothing has actually been done other than this – other than this – the statement?
MR PRICE: There have been engagements on the part of the UN and Taliban officials as well. We want to make sure we understand the implications of this edict and how we can best respond to it if it is not in fact —
MR PRICE: If it is not in fact overturned.
QUESTION: But the implications are that all these aid groups have pulled out.
MR PRICE: There are – Matt, there are a number of aid groups. I believe there is a coalition of 11 NGOs who have had to suspend their operation – operations. But other NGOs continue to operate.
We want to respond in a way that first and foremost protects the humanitarian interests of the Afghan people. That is what the Taliban is attempting to denigrate, attempting to attack. We want to make sure that in our response we register the strong condemnation that you’ve already heard for us – heard from us, while doing so in a way that doesn’t further imperil the humanitarian well-being of the Afghan people.
QUESTION: Thank you. On the – Happy Near Year.
MR PRICE: Happy New Year.
QUESTION: I have two questions, South and North Korea issues. And the first question: North Korean Kim Jong-un has recently launched multiple missile and drone strikes. He also pointed to mass production of nuclear warheads and the use of nuclear weapons against the South Korea. Therefore South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol announced that South Korea and the United States are planning for a joint U.S. nuclear operations plan and the implementation to counter North Korea’s nuclear. What is the U.S. position on this?
MR PRICE: So in terms of extended deterrence, we are fully committed to our alliance with the ROK and providing extended deterrence through the full range of U.S. defense capabilities. The two presidents, President Yoon and President Biden, discussed this at their meeting in Cambodia late last year. They tasked their teams to plan for an effective coordinated response to a range of scenarios, including nuclear weapons use by the DPRK.
We take extended deterrence very seriously. There was a meeting of the Extended Deterrence Working Group between senior officials at the State Department. Some of our partners in the interagency with our ROK counterparts late last year were continuing to have discussions to see to it that extended deterrence is meaningful and that we can demonstrate both in word and in deed that our commitment to the security of the ROK and Japan as our treaty allies is ironclad.
QUESTION: So what are the differences between U.S. and South Korea? Any difference in positions between U.S. and South Korea?
MR PRICE: I’m not aware that there are differences. I would refer you to our allies in the ROK to speak to their perspective on this. But when it comes to extended deterrence, we are on precisely the same page. That was very clear in the successful meeting of the Extended Deterrence Working Group that we had last September.
Our commitment to the ROK’s security, to the security of Japan as well, has been front and center in every one of our bilateral and trilateral engagements with our South Korean and Japanese allies, and that will continue to be the case.
QUESTION: One more. Kim Jong-un is choosing military confrontation rather than dialogue. How do you view the possibility of dialogue with North Korea?
MR PRICE: This is a better question for the DPRK. You are right in the sense that the DPRK regime has repeatedly appeared to embrace provocation over dialogue and diplomacy. We think that’s unfortunate. We think that is unwarranted. We think that is ultimately unwise for the DPRK.
We have made repeatedly clear that we harbor no hostile intent towards the DPRK. We are prepared to engage in constructive, good-faith, principled dialogue towards what is our ultimate goal. That is the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
Now, of course I referred you to the DPRK on this question because they are the ones who have repeatedly refused to engage in that. Until and unless the DPRK’s approach changes, our approach will continue apace. We will continue to maintain pressure, to add additional pressure as warranted on the DPRK, and to signal both in word and in deed our commitment to the security of our treaty allies in the Indo-Pacific.
QUESTION: Thank you. Could you please share more details about Secretary Blinken’s phone call with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang?
MR PRICE: So this was a phone call that the two had over the weekend. This was a phone call that primarily was to bid adieu to the outgoing ambassador, and to the new foreign minister it was a phone call really to set the stage for what will be their relationship going forward as counterparts. Secretary Blinken did have an opportunity to have a meeting with Qin Gang in his role as PRC ambassador to the United States last month, in December. Going forward, their relationship will be one of counterparts. And I – and we fully expect that Secretary Blinken will have a number of opportunities in the coming weeks and months to speak to Qin Gang as foreign minister, to see Qin Gang, we expect, in the PRC in the coming weeks as well.
QUESTION: Qin Gang despite – in his tweets he said he appreciates several candid, in-depth, and constructive meetings with Secretary Blinken. You mentioned one meeting; do you recall any other meetings between them?
MR PRICE: I do. They’ve had multiple opportunities to see one another in Washington here at the Department of State. Qin Gang is someone who has been to this building a number of times, he’s had a number of meetings with our deputy secretary, but he’s also had multiple meetings with the Secretary in addition to his meetings with White House and other officials here in Washington.
QUESTION: And lastly, Qin Gang is considered as more softspoken and less confrontational diplomat. Do you see his appointment as a positive sign for U.S.-China relations?
MR PRICE: Look, our approach to the PRC is predicated on our interests, and it is predicated on the knowledge that this is a relationship that is dominated by competition, a relationship where there will be and must be areas for constructive collaboration, but also one in which there will be profound disagreements and even areas that are more adversarial than not.
So rather than focus on who is in any particular position, we are focused on how we can manage this broad bilateral relationship – arguably the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world – constructively and responsively. It’s not only what is in our interest, but it is something that the rest of the world expects of us as well.
QUESTION: A follow-up on China?
QUESTION: I have questions on China.
MR PRICE: Okay, sure.
QUESTION: Thanks. Restrictions on people traveling from China to the U.S. go into effect in a couple of days. Chinese officials as recently as earlier today called this a political move not based on science. They are vowing to reciprocate. How do you respond?
MR PRICE: Well, this was and this is an approach that is based solely and exclusively on science. Ever since the earliest days of this administration, we have based these types of decisions – that are made, by the way, by the CDC in close consultation with this Department of State and others – but that are based on science, that are based on epidemiology, that are based on the very public health concerns that undergird them.
In this case, due to the surge of COVID-19 cases in the PRC, and the lack of adequate and transparent epidemiological and viral genomic sequence data being reported from the PRC, we’re taking deliberate, proactive steps to slow the spread of COVID-19, and to be on alert for any potential COVID-19 variants emerging. These data are critical to monitor the case surge effectively and to decrease the chance for the entry of a novel variant of concern.
Other countries have been driven by the same concerns and have applied similar measures during the current surge of COVID cases in the PRC. As we’ve said, and Secretary Blinken said the last time he was here, we have offered the PRC vaccines and other COVID-19 support. The PRC has indicated publicly that it appreciates the offer, but doesn’t need the support. We continue to stand by that offer.
QUESTION: And a second question.
QUESTION: China continues to build up artificial islands in the South China Sea, and most recently there were satellite images of the Spratly Islands being built up further. Other than calling on China to respect international law, what is this administration doing or what can this administration do to prevent further build-up?
MR PRICE: So this is something – a concern that we have worked together with allies and partners, again, since the earliest days of this administration. It’s a concern that we’ve registered jointly in some cases with our allies in the Indo-Pacific. We issued a statement regarding our concerns vis-à-vis the Philippines just before the holidays. It’s also a concern that we share with many of our partners on the other side of the world, with our European allies and partners.
One of the elements that we spent a great deal of time doing in our first year in office, in 2021, was attempting to develop alignment with allies and partners regarding the various challenges that are posed by the PRC. We came into office at a time where there was relatively little alignment. We saw many of our closest allies and partners taking markedly different approaches to the PRC. We – because of, by dint of, the investment we made in trying and attempting to forge that alignment with partners in the Indo-Pacific and in Europe both, as well as places in between, we now arrive at the challenges and we now confront the challenges from the PRC from a much stronger position. So we have continued to register our concern. If there are practical steps that we can or that we need to take, we are in a position to do that much more effectively, now that we are bringing a large number of allies and partners along with us.
MR PRICE: One – okay. Go ahead. Sure.
QUESTION: (Inaudible.) Obviously, you and other U.S. officials and the World Health Organization has repeatedly asked and pressured China to share more data about the COVID cases in the country right now. Is there anything the Biden administration can do to compel them to share that information? Because it’s obviously dangerous for the rest of the world, so will they face any cost if they don’t?
MR PRICE: Well, I wouldn’t want to get ahead of where we are, and I understand that PRC officials are meeting with WHO officials today on this very question. This is ultimately a question for the World Health Organization, as the body that is in receipt or at least should be in receipt of much of this genomic and epidemiological data. It is not only in the rest of the world’s interest that the PRC does this because of the potential emergence of variants – something we’ve seen from other parts of the world before – but it’s also profoundly in the PRC’s interest to demonstrate that they are being transparent, that they’re being candid, that they are being forthcoming when it comes to the toll and the genetic makeup of the virus that is circulating inside the PRC.
As I said before, the pre-departure testing requirements that we’ve put in place are a result not only of the prevalence of COVID within the PRC but also the lack of sufficient transparency from the PRC. If the PRC wants to see countries do away with various requirements that have been put in place, there is a way to help bring that about, and that is with additional transparency.
QUESTION: And you think the WHO has sufficient tools to pressure China to share that information?
MR PRICE: Look, I will leave it to the WHO to speak to their engagement with the PRC. Long before this COVID surge in the PRC, we have consistently called for additional transparency from the PRC regarding COVID, including in the context of COVID origins. We think it is profoundly in the world’s interest but it’s also profoundly in the PRC’s interest that they do so as well.
QUESTION: But not preparing to do anything if they don’t, just to be clear, from the U.S.?
MR PRICE: Again, that is a hypothetical that we’re just not entertaining —
QUESTION: It’s not a hypothetical. They aren’t sharing now.
MR PRICE: — that at the moment. These are ongoing conversations between the PRC and the WHO, and we’ll wait to see how those play out.
QUESTION: Thank you, Ned. Happy New Year.
MR PRICE: Happy New Year.
QUESTION: As you aware, U.S. Ambassador Peter Haas was harassed by the Bangladesh (inaudible) supporter while he was visiting to the home of opposition activist Sajedul Islam Sumon to meet with the families of victims of enforced disappearances. Russia believes this incident is an expected result of the activity of the American diplomat, and over the holidays, from Moscow, Russian spokesperson characterized it as a turn to interference in the internal affairs of Bangladesh. So is not it then interference by the Russian? And what action has been taken by the Bangladesh Government for this organized incident? As we have heard, one of the personal staff of a ruling minister orchestrated this so-called demonstration against the U.S. ambassador in Bangladesh.
MR PRICE: Look, I’m just not going to weigh in on what we have heard from Russia on this. As you know, we often don’t weigh in on propaganda. What I can say from our part is that we routinely meet with a variety of stakeholders across the political spectrum in every country in which the United States has a diplomatic presence, and, of course, that includes in Bangladesh.
The message that we’ve conveyed regarding what we’ve seen in recent months in Bangladesh has been one of concern, concern about reports of intimidation, of political violence in Bangladesh. We’ve called on the government to respect and protect the fundamental freedoms of expression, of association, and peaceful assembly for the people of Bangladesh. That’s something you’ve heard from me. It’s something you’ve heard from this department. It’s something you’ve heard from our ambassador in Bangladesh. We stand by those calls, and we’ll continue to issue them. It is what we do around the world.
QUESTION: One more on Bangladesh. Will you call for immediate release of the opposition leaders, as thousands – Bangladesh Government arrested thousands opposition leaders and activists, including the party secretary general? And, as you know, the party chairperson also is in house arrest for a long time.
MR PRICE: Well, we call on all parties in Bangladesh to respect the rule of law, to refrain from violence, from harassment, from intimidation. We call on the government to ensure that no party or candidate threatens, incites, or conducts violence against another party or candidate, and genuine elections require the ability of all candidates to engage voters free from violence, harassment, and intimidation. When it comes to reports of violence, harassment, intimidation, unjustified detention, we call on the government to investigate these reports thoroughly, transparently, impartially, and to hold the perpetrators to account.
QUESTION: Ned, there are some reports that U.S. is to take some initiatives, including mediation, for demarcation of the maritime jurisdiction in the Eastern Mediterranean between Greece, Turkey, and south Cyprus in order to ensure the safe use of energy resources in the region. Do you have anything on that? Can you update us?
MR PRICE: I don’t have anything specifically on efforts at demarcation. If we do, we can share those with you.
QUESTION: Thank you. Happy New Year, Ned.
MR PRICE: Happy New Year.
QUESTION: In his phone call with Eli Cohen, Secretary Blinken said that the Biden administration is likely to seek the EU to join the effort to up the sanctions on Iran. Do you have any details of this joint effort? Anything new or when this has started?
MR PRICE: Well, this goes back to what I was saying earlier in the briefing. We have consistently taken action using the authorities that are available to us to attempt to counteract the flow of and the provision of Iranian UAV technology to other countries around the world, including to Russia. Without forecasting what’s to come, I am confident that we will continue to take additional steps. We’re always looking for additional targets that meet the statutory requirements for our various authorities, and we’ll do what we can to hold Iran to account.
We’ve seen the same approach from many of our European allies as well. Each European country has its own unique authorities; the EU has its own unique authorities. It is our task to coordinate those authorities and, where we can, to harmonize those authorities. Sometimes we will take steps that are slightly different, but in all cases those steps will be complementary with one another.
QUESTION: But this is only about UAVs, just to clarify. It has nothing to do with nuclear or snapback mechanism, just UAVs.
MR PRICE: Well, we have used our authorities against Iran, as have our European allies, on – for a range of concerns: UAV technology, support to terrorism, support to proxies, human rights abuses, attempts to block the Iranian people from accessing the open internet. So we have used a range of authorities for a range of concerns, and that will continue.
QUESTION: And I have one more question. On New Year’s Eve, there were simultaneous organized tweets about Iran in 2023 and the future and the victory that’s going to belong to people. It was mentioned in those tweets. It was published by 60 important Iranian public figures who are somehow leading the opposition against the Islamic Republic, including Prince Reza Pahlavi. These tweets gave hope to people that, somehow, maybe a coalition against Islamic Republic can be formed. If this happens, can you tell us that you are going to support that coalition?
MR PRICE: Well, first and foremost this is a question for the people of Iran, how or if they want to organize themselves. What we have seen over the course of the now multiple months of protests by the Iranian people has been remarkable in many senses, in the sense that it has – it was – it has been sparked and in many ways carried by the women and girls of Iran, but also the fact that it has been organic, it has crossed ethnic lines, it has crossed geographic lines inside of Iran, and it has in a sense been leaderless. That has allowed these protesters to continue and to persist with their efforts in ways that previous movements in Iran have not been able to.
So this is a question for the people of Iran how they wish to organize themselves, what they wish to call for, what they see as their ultimate objective. It is our role and responsibility to support their freedom of expression, their freedom of assembly, every single other universal right and freedom that belongs to the Iranian people.
QUESTION: A follow-up?
MR PRICE: A follow-up and then I’ll come back to you.
QUESTION: Thank you. The new Israeli prime minister and his government are going to follow up on his previous old policy with regards to the nuclear talks, and he has said that they’re going to try their best to stop the revival of that agreement. Is the Biden administration now a little more maybe on the same page with the new Israeli Government, given that the talks have practically came to a standstill, during the last six months they’ve been at a standstill, and the fact that President Biden said during a midterm election campaign that the JCPOA is dead?
MR PRICE: So on the first part of your question, we’re always in intensive and constant discussion with Israel on Iran, including on Iran’s nuclear program. There is no greater supporter of Israel’s security than President Biden, and we remain ironclad – our commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad.
The point we’ve made is that the Iranians killed the opportunity for a swift return to mutual compliance with the JCPOA. They most recently did so in September when they turned their backs on a deal that was by all accounts essentially finalized, ready to go. Since then the JCPOA just hasn’t been on the agenda. It hasn’t been on the agenda for months. It hasn’t been our focus. Since September especially, our focus has been on standing up, as I was telling your colleague, for the fundamental freedoms of the Iranian people and countering Iran’s deepening military partnership with Russia and its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine.
So even though the JCPOA hasn’t been on the agenda for months, what is very much alive is President Biden’s absolute commitment to never allowing Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. We continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve that goal, but we’ve always been clear we’re not going to remove options from the table, and we’re going to discuss all options with our partners, including, of course, Israel.
QUESTION: And Iran’s bringing – has been bringing this subject up at least during the last three, four weeks, at least – and at least once every week. Have you – have they communicated anything? Do you see them bringing the subject up as maybe something to overshadow what’s going on in – with the demonstrations? Or do you see any seriousness? Have you seen any indication of any seriousness?
MR PRICE: Well, look, the fact is that for months now we have only seen foot-dragging and empty promises by Iran. Nothing we have heard suggests that Iran has changed. We remain very skeptical of anything coming out of Tehran on this issue. We’ve also heard what, in some cases, is just purely fiction emanating from Iran. The JCPOA, as we’ve said, has not been our focus. Claims that we are presently engaged in talks to revive the JCPOA – that’s just false.
Yes, Elizabeth.
QUESTION: Keeping on Iran, the UK is reportedly set to label the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Can you broadly say whether that’s something the U.S. would support and whether there are there any concerns that designation might further derail the stalled talks?
MR PRICE: Well, we encourage our allies and partners to consider any applicable sanctions authorities, including whether the IRGC should be designated as a terrorist organization under their laws. As you know, in this country the IRGC remains designated by the United States as a foreign terrorist organization as a specially designated global terrorist organization.
QUESTION: Thank you, sir. It’s about Ukraine. Do you foresee any peaceful solution for Ukraine during this year, or do you expect the fighting to continue until the end of the year or beyond?
MR PRICE: Well, that is really a question not for us. It may not even be a question for Ukraine. In fact, it probably is not one. It is really a question for Russia, because it is ultimately Russia that is going to have to make the decision regarding putting an end to the war that Russia itself started.
As I said in the statement at the top of this briefing, Russia could end this war today if it were to remove its troops from Ukraine. It could do so tomorrow. If Russia were to stop fighting, the war would end. If Ukraine were to stop fighting, Ukraine would end. Secretary Blinken made that point late last year. It remains as true as ever today.
We’ve heard from President Zelenskyy and some of his advisors their vision for a just peace. They have made very clear that what they seek is a just peace. We want to see that just and durable peace come into existence as well. But the point we’ve made since last year is that just as President Zelenskyy was presenting that vision of a just peace, there was a split screen. On one screen, it was President Zelenskyy speaking to the G20 about his vision for a just peace. On the other, it was additional Russian bombs and missiles raining down predominately on civilian targets, on energy targets, on infrastructure targets, on schools, on residential buildings, on playgrounds, on hospitals. That is what we have seen play out time and again over recent months.
QUESTION: New topic?
MR PRICE: Let me go to you, and then I’ll —
QUESTION: A question on Russia?
QUESTION: Can you tell us more about the new ambassador – U.S. Ambassador to Russia Tracy’s mission in Moscow? And Senator Schumer recently said that she will be tasked with standing up to Putin. Do you agree with this view? And when will she arrive to Moscow?
MR PRICE: So she was just confirmed late last year. I know that the ambassador very much looks forward to moving to her post in Moscow, where she will be an excellent steward of U.S. policy towards the Russian Federation. She obviously is no stranger to Moscow. She served as the deputy chief of mission there before. And she’s someone who knows the bilateral relationship as well, if not better than, anyone. So we look forward to having her in place.
We look forward to having her in place because it’s important that we have Senate-confirmed ambassadors in place representing the United States around the world, but it’s especially important in the case of Russia that we maintain channels of communication. We think channels of communication are important in times of tension. They’re vitally important in times of conflict such as now. So I know that in the coming days she’ll have an opportunity to settle in in Moscow and to begin leading the mission, as I know she’s eager to do.
QUESTION: Any meetings with Russian officials to preview, to discuss New START or irritants?
MR PRICE: Well, as you know, late last year there was a planned meeting of the Bilateral Consultative Committee. We were very much looking forward to the meeting of the BCC. We are grateful to Egypt for hosting that meeting on Egyptian soil. But at the very last minute, unfortunately, Russia decided to cancel that engagement.
This goes back to what I was saying a moment ago. We believe that lines of communication and channels of communication are important. They are important especially so when it comes to issues of strategic stability. And we hope to see this rescheduled, but ultimately that’s going to be a question for Russia.
Alex and then —
QUESTION: Yeah, two questions. Going back to your opening statement, you said that we will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes, which is appreciated, but also it sounds like a borrowed talking point from last year. We heard French president yesterday say that France will stand with Ukraine until victory. Are you prepared to say the same by reflecting the U.S. policy towards Ukraine?
MR PRICE: That is our approach. We are going to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes. We will continue to work with allies and partners to do that. We ultimately want to see an independent, sovereign, prosperous Ukraine with the means to defend itself. This is the end state that President Biden put forward in his op-ed late last year. It continues to be the end state that our approach is tailored to help bring about.
QUESTION: So U.S. will stand with Ukraine until victory?
MR PRICE: We want to see a Ukraine that is independent, that is sovereign, that is prosperous, and that has the ability to defend itself.
QUESTION: Thanks so much. And lastly, on Armenia-Azerbaijan, when the Secretary brought the foreign ministers together here in this town, you were – expressed hopes that the ministers will meet again. And there were some hopes that they would also maybe sign some agreement until the end of the year. Do you have any disappointment on your end that the talks went nowhere? The ministers, in fact, hadn’t even met in December. And can you just give us sort of like bigger picture of what we should be raising for – are there concerns that talks will go nowhere and the sides are back to the confrontation again?
MR PRICE: Well, we continue to maintain our commitment to promoting a secure, stable, democratic, prosperous, and peaceful future for the South Caucasus region. We continue to engage bilaterally with likeminded partners like the European Union and through international organizations like the OSCE to facilitate direct dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia to find solutions to all outstanding issues relating to or resulting from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
As you know, there were a couple of occasions where the Secretary himself had an opportunity to bring together his partners, his counterparts, from Armenia and Azerbaijan. We did so once here in Washington at Blair House late last year. We did so once in New York City on the margins of the UN General Assembly in September. We will continue to do what, in our estimation, has the best prospects of moving forward that vision of a secure, stable, democratic, prosperous, and peaceful South Caucasus region. We, of course, want to see the parties make progress themselves. It is not for us to prescribe what a comprehensive solution to this conflict looks like. That is the hard work that the parties themselves will have to do.
QUESTION: Is the U.S. planning to step up its efforts now that Russian and Brussels mediating efforts have gone nowhere?
MR PRICE: We have been routinely engaged, and we will remain very much engaged, with the parties bilaterally, trilaterally, through the OSCE, through other partners as well, to help bring about that end state.
QUESTION: On Paul Whelan, after Brittney Griner’s release, you guys said it was your expectation that dialogue would continue to secure his release. So have those negotiations, those conversations between U.S. and Russian officials, actually happened at all in recent weeks?
MR PRICE: We have had direct conversations with Russian officials regarding Paul Whelan, who remains wrongfully detained and who we are determined to bring home to his family, to his loved ones, just as soon as we can. Our imperative is to see that outcome brought about swiftly, so it doesn’t do us any good to speak to the details of that. But we’ve said we are going to be committed, we’re going to be relentless, we’re going to be creative in doing everything we can to bring about Paul Whelan’s return to the United States, return to his family.
QUESTION: Any seriousness with which the Russians engaged in the dialogue?
MR PRICE: I’m just not prepared to characterize it at the moment, and again, don’t want to do – say anything that could jeopardize his return.
Yes, final.
QUESTION: (Inaudible) still waiting for the answer about the comment of the rapprochement between Turkey and the Syrian regime.
QUESTION: Especially that this will affect many people in the opposition and will affect negatively your friends in SDF forces and your – the war against terrorism.
MR PRICE: Well, as I understand it, this was a trilateral engagement involving Syria, Turkey, and the Russian Federation as well. Our policy, which is all I can speak to, is – has not changed. We do not support countries upgrading their relations or expressing support to rehabilitate the brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad. We urge states to carefully consider the Assad regime’s atrocious human rights record the past 12 years as it continues to inflict atrocities on the Syrian people and to deny access to lifesaving humanitarian aid. As the Syrian people continue to suffer through nearly a dozen years of war, our support for a Syrian-led political solution in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 remains firm, and we’ll continue to work with allies, partners, and the UN to ensure that a durable political solution remains within reach.
QUESTION: But did you talk with Turkey about this issue?
MR PRICE: We’ve made very clear to all of our allies and partners that now is not the time to normalize relations, now is not the time to upgrade relations, and countries should be mindful of the atrocious human rights record that the Assad regime has inflicted upon its people over the past 12 years.
Thank you all very much.
(The briefing was concluded at 3:31 p.m.)
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