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Avatar Meher Baba’s 56th Amartithi was celebrated in His love at Meherabad. After three days of devotion and heartfelt activity, the gathering has come to a close for another year. As the dust settles, tarpaulins are carefully cleaned and folded, speakers and pandals are packed away, and Baba’s lovers—hearts overflowing with His love—fill trains, buses, cars, and airplanes, journeying home once again.

Below, we share a photo essay that seeks to capture the excitement, devotion, and the beautiful, organised chaos of up to 20,000 people from across India and the world coming together in love and remembrance of our Beloved, Meher BabaDarshan at Avatar Meher Baba’s Samadhi.Lots of colouring happened in the popular Children’s Corner
of the Meher Information Centre on the Hill.
Mehera’s Shrine.A little pilgrim calmly sleeping on a familiar shoulder.Baba’s Cabin on the Hill, where the stretcher that brought His form from Meherazad to Meherabad on 31st January 1969 is raised up for easier darshan for older pilgrims.So excited to be at Meherabad for Amartithi but they still stand straight for the photo!Sadhu in the food tent!Two cooks, proud to show off their skill.Welcome to the Silence Tent, where Baba lovers can sit quietly any time of the day.Baba’s small Gaadi and a small pilgrim.Baba’s Gaadi makes for a beautiful selfie zone.An essential item… coffee and chai!Medical staff ready to help.Fire trucks keeping everyone safe.Thousands of pilgrims observe silence from 12 noon to 12:15 pm on Amartithi day.Baba’s flag fashion and accessories!Entertaining Beloved Baba with songs from the East……and from the West (in this case, Argentina)!AVATAR MEHER BABA ki JAI !
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