Shirdi development plans discussed

SHIRDI: Shirdi Saibaba Sansthan is discussing with the Maharashtra government and its arious agencies plans for development of the area with better road connectivity and other amenities. There is a proposal to set up an airport at a cost of Rs. 50 crore. The state government wants the Sansthan to foot the bill.
Maharashtra Chief Secretary J.P. Dange held discussions on this and related issued with Sansthan authorities. Parliament Member, Bhausaheb Wakchoure, Executive officer of Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trsut Kishor More, regional revenue commissioner Jayant Gaikawad, co-operative commissioner Rajgopal Deora, Ahmednagar district collector Dr. P. Anbalagan, district police Chief Vijay Chavan took part in the discussions.
Sansthan sources said later that it was decided to construct Shirdi- Rahata by-pass road. The Sansthan would lend Rs. 40 crores on ‘return’ basis to lay the road link.
District police chief Chavan spoke of the need for traffic regulation and creation of proper parking facility for increasing number of vehicles coming to Shirdi. He suggested that the Sansthan couild provide two big cranes to the police department to check unauthorized and irregular parkings. Each crane costs Rs. 80 lakhs.
The Sansthan agreed to help development and ‘beautification’ of roads in and around the Shrine. This is going to be a Rs. 150 crore project. Initially, the work was entrusted to the State Road Development Corporation of the government. That was four years ago. As it made no headway, the Sansthan has started the work on its own, according to Prof. Sahebrao Dawange, a local journalist.
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