Pak Urdu Media Digest – Dec 11, 2023
24 Min

- Preparations are underway to get Greater Thal Canal Phase II sanctioned in the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) meeting; it has been included in the agenda of the meeting scheduled for Dec 11. Earlier too, there were objections to the project, and hence former PDM government decided to refer matter to Council of Common Interests (CCI) but current set-up has set aside that decision. The water experts in Sindh, Sindh authorities and even people in the province have been raising objections against the Greater Thal Canal because this project will help Punjab take more water from Sindh. Punjab knows very well that Greater Thal Canal is an illegal project, yet it is going ahead with this plan and on top of that it is also planning Greater Thal Canal II disregarding objections raised by Sindh. Punjab does not have any rivers of its own and hence the above project will help Punjab irrigate its lands. No canal or dam can be raised on Indus because it is the people of Sindh who have first right on Indus waters. If Punjab succeeds in executing the above projects, Sindh will be deprived of whatever little water it gets now because Punjab will get control over Sindh water through Punjab’s canals and dams. Punjab must implement water treaty and formula outlined in it for distribution of water to provinces. (Sindh Express Edit, Dec.9)
- Not only from the political parties, even from the establishment side there is nothing which can cheer us up. Larger indications from here and there suggest there can be some delay in polls. The indications also suggest that an attempt is being made that out of three major parties in the country, no two parties should have simple majority in Parliament to form government. Though it all depends on the people whom they vote for, in our country, there is always interference in polls and there is also a possibility that this time’s election results might be more surprising than in the past. Nawaz Sharif seems all set to become PM for the fourth time and he has been getting all exemptions and facilities. He has also been changing statements these days and is speaking a lot to attract voters. If we have free and fair polls, Imran Khan’s party can still emerge as the most popular party. But it does not look likely that PTI will get a free hand in the coming polls. PPP is also holding meetings in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Right now, it is PPP that is criticizing PML(N) a lot. Till some time back, there was an impression that small parties in other provinces will make alliances or do seat adjustments with PPP. But suddenly there is change in political environment and every party has started calling PML(N) as a pampered or “selected” party. This will do no good because the need of the hour is parties join hands and come closer and thus strengthen democracy in the country. But it does not seem to be happening because all parties look scattered. The real issue at stake is political stability and there is nothing in sight to suggest that we are anywhere near political stability in the country. (Awami Awaz Edit, Dec.10)
- If we put an end to culture of corruption, if we reduce the gulf between the rich and the poor, if we hold national interests above personal and political interests, if we set aside culture of recommendation and tax evasion, if we stop waiving of loans and also if we stop stealing electricity, then Pakistan can move ahead, make progress in true sense, and we can achieve economic stability. We all will have to wake up and follow in the footsteps of developed countries. Besides, we will have to ensure rule of law; we all will have to rise together to take country ahead. (Ibrat Edit)
- In the Sindh, there are several government departments where employees are upset and tense because of not getting salaries since months and also because of several other issues being faced by them. Such a state affects their mental health and also affects them financially too. Currently, such a state has befallen teachers at Daddu where teachers have not been paid salaries for six months. We urge upon education department to take a note of these teachers’ conditions and resolve their issues and thus help them come out of distress and unease. (Sindh Express Edit)
- Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif’s question needs to be answered: why were his previous three governments terminated despite good performances? Addressing a party meeting, the former prime minister said that every time we did good work every time we were expelled. We should find out why we were expelled in 93 and 99; I had said that the Kargil war should not happen. Was it the reason for my ouster? He added that the time is proving that he was right. When it comes to the country, we do not back down. We carried out atomic tests and Pakistan became stronger. We showed performance on all fronts whether defense, foreign, or economy. The two Prime Ministers of India, Vajpayee and Modi, came to Pakistan during my government. Expressing the need to improve relations with India and Afghanistan besides strengthening relations further with China and Iran, Nawaz Sharif said society was moving forward in all respects during our times, but there were some characters who destroyed the running Pakistan. The economic upheaval started from 2019 and by 2022, everything had fallen into disrepair. From 2013 to 2017, the country was developing during our time, but a good government was abolished and the country was handed over to a clumsy one. The people who brought the country to this state should be held accountable, and they should be asked why they did this? If there is any reasonable answer from those responsible for the ouster of Nawaz Sharif’s previous governments, should be brought before the nation, and if these constitutional governments supported by the people were terminated without any legitimate reason, then the elements who did it, should face transparent and unbiased accountability because without identifying the mistakes of the past and holding those responsible accountable, it is not possible to move towards a brighter and safer future. It is welcome and satisfying that this process has started in our Supreme Judiciary. Many cases, including the presidential reference against the death sentence of former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, are being heard. The dismissal and lifelong disqualification of Nawaz Sharif in 2017 and the nexus of some high-ranking military and judicial figures behind them have been exposed to a large extent. But accountability of those responsible is also indispensable so that such incidents can be fully exposed. During the second term of Nawaz Sharif’s government, in May 1998, a few days after India’s nuclear explosions, as a result of Pakistan’s brilliant response, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s arrival in Lahore, his visit to Minar-e-Pakistan, and the assurance of no future Pakistan-India war, progress on the political solution of Kashmir were very promising; but the Kargil campaign by Pakistan Army, which was launched without the knowledge of the Prime Minister and the most of the army leadership, led to a permanent impairment in Pakistan-India relations. When the political leadership demanded the answer, Nawaz was overthrown. The prime minister-elect was put in a jail cell by making a baseless case of plane conspiracy and allegedly tried to get the court to hang him. In order to save the country from such tragedies, authentic facts must be brought before the nation through an investigation commission and those responsible must be exposed. Nawaz Sharif’s demand is absolutely legitimate and right. (Jang Edit)
- In the report released by Transparency International Pakistan, the police and judiciary have been included among the most corrupt institutions of the country, while education and health are ranked fourth and fifth respectively. At a time when Pakistan is suffering from economic distress, we all have a responsibility to play our part for the economic development of our country. The police department has long been ranked number one in corruption. Reports of judicial staff being involved in corruption are common. Since education and health are connected to the people, nobody cares about them. However, the time has come to make efforts to improve the situation. Because if the measures to eliminate corruption are still not considered seriously as necessary, then the frequency with which national institutions are going backwards is a cause of concern for a free country. (Edit, Daily Khabrain)
- Leader of Muslim League Nawaz, Nawaz Sharif, while addressing the party meeting, once again repeated an old statement that they should be told why his government was sacked in 1993 and 1999 despite its good work. Nawaz Sharif must understand that the Establishment is the main reality of the state and politics. If the country is to be led towards economic and political harmony, the tradition of revenge and accusations must be buried and a harmonious program of development and prosperity must be given. (Daily Islam Edit)
- Although the Pakistani embassy is tight-lipped about the schedule and agenda of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS)’s visit to the US, officials familiar with the visit say Gen. Asim Munir’s visit may extend to five days. During this time, he will hold meetings with senior officials of the US Department of Defense and national security officials. The COAS will stay at Pakistan House, the official residence of Pakistan’s ambassador, and will meet with staff from various think tanks and also the US Congress members. COAS is likely to inform its audience about Pakistan’s position on the regional and economic situation. There is a strong possibility that the COAS may address members of the Diaspora. The meeting’s agenda is likely to focus on Pakistan’s efforts to combat terrorist organizations seeking shelter in Afghanistan and the country’s security ties with the Taliban in Kabul. (Jang)
- Despite the trade ban, Indian thread has been smuggled from different countries to Pakistan, by changing the label and packaging, it has been revealed. The Customs Intelligence has initiated legal action against the accused after a multi-billion rupees tax evasion was caught on smuggling of Indian yarn in Karachi. Customs officials, while checking the import data, discovered illegal import of Indian yarn through Dubai, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Import of yarn from India has been banned since 2019. (Jang)
- The program to build houses for the flood victims of Sindh has failed. It is revealed that money has been given to only about 3 lakh people out of 21 lakh victims, while the fourth installment has not yet been released to a single victim. Even today, the flood victims are forced to live under the open sky and in huts. Houses and other structures of lakhs of people were destroyed in the floods. With the support of the World Bank and the federal government, the Sindh government started a program to release 3 lakh rupees in four installments for building houses to more than 20 lakh flood victims, but due to the negligence of the relevant departments, the said program is on the brink of failure. One installment of 75 thousand rupees has been issued to 2 lakh victims, the second installment to around 70 thousand victims, the third installment to only 15 thousand victims, and the fourth installment has not been issued to any victim. (Jang)
- Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) Police SHO’s vehicle was hit by a magnet bomb, the SHO died on the spot while a civilian was injured. According to the Police, CTD-SHO Murad Jamot was passing by Sultan Ibrahim Khan Road in Khuzdar in his private vehicle when unknown assailants targeted his vehicle with a magnet bomb. The magnet bomb exploded with a powerful explosion, as a result of which CTD-SHO died on the spot, and the windows of the nearby buildings were also broken. As soon as the explosion was reported, SSP Khuzdar Mir Hussain Ahmed Lahri and Levies officers along with additional forces reached the spot and combing operation was mounted. It should be noted that on the 27th April of this year, CTD- SHO Sharbat Khan Imrani was also targeted in a similar blast. Murad Jamot is the second CTD-SHO who was targeted in this way. (Jang)
- There is an alarming increase in the cases of kidnapping and disappearance of children in Karachi. During the 11 months of this year, 1,255 children went missing, more than 950 children among the missing children have been found, while the parents of more than 250 boys and girls are still searching for their children. According to the head of a welfare organization, Muhammad Ali, 15 children from newborn to five years of age were kidnapped. The number of kidnapped children between the ages of 6 and 10 was 34, 108 children between the ages of 11 and 15 were reported missing, 200 boys and more than 50 girls are missing. The highest 165 children were abducted and disappeared in the month of September. The highest number of cases of missing children was reported from Sharqi District. In January 2023, 98 children went missing, in February 112, in March 85. In April 48, in May 91, in June 132, in July 122, in August 164, in September 165, in October 130 and more than 100 in November. (Jang)
- From the National Corruption Survey 2023 released by Transparency International Pakistan, it has been revealed that the judiciary is one of the three most corrupt institutions in Pakistan. The Police are the most corrupt, followed by the procurement and contracting sector and the judiciary. Education and health sectors are the fourth and fifth most corrupt sectors respectively. It was narrated by Ali Bin Talib, that “A society can survive with disbelief but not with injustice”. Justice means equality, consideration, and one law for all. Various institutions are working all over the world to ensure this; one of the two most important institutions is the police and the other is the judiciary. What could be more shameful than this is that these two institutions, whose purpose is to provide justice, are not only involved in corruption but are also the leaders in this crime. The chain of non-provision of justice in the society begins with the police, where one has to either pay a bribe or get a recommendation to register their basic right, i.e. an FIR, and the common man is so humiliated in this regard that most of the time he doesn’t go to the police station, thinking it is futile to file a report of his loss. The situation is so bad that some time ago there was a demand that the police should be brought under the jurisdiction of the judiciary, but when the situation is that the corruption of the judiciary has come to the third level after the police, what is the use of such a move? Transparency International’s report can still be called a lie like in the past, but the reality of this claim is evident from the practical situation of police stations and subordinate judiciary. It is the need of the hour that the legislators should pay immediate and full attention to this otherwise it will not take long for the society to crumble. (Jang)
- The Caretaker Federal Minister for Information Murtaza Solangi said that elections will be held on Thursday, 8th February 2024. The election schedule will be given by the Election Commission before 16th December. He said that many governments in our democratic history could not complete the term; unstable democracy in the country is our failure. He said that I don’t want to respond to the words of Bilawal and Maryam, the intensity of their rhetoric is confirming the election. He said that Imran Khan wants to get the sympathy of the Afghan Taliban government and TTP. He wants to win their sympathy and give his party an advantage in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and these areas, and if that is the case, it will be very sad. (Daily Khabrain)
- Addressing the workers’ convention in Kohat, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that we want to reopen Zulfiqar Bhutto’s sentence case. There are constitutional and legal errors in the case, and they should be corrected. He said that we do not do politics of hatred, as other parties are contesting elections to solve their personal problems. He said that someone is contesting elections to get out of jail and the other is contesting to avoid going to jail. He further said that our competition is not with these politicians but with poverty and inflation. We will not stop and run. We will go to the people. (Daily Khabrain)
- Addressing a rally in Peshawar, Chairman Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq said that those who want to see Pakistan happy are gathered here. Young people are against ignorance and influence, and the future government will not be formed on the basis of favorite and super-favorite, but only on the basis of the votes of the people. He said that today there is a monopoly of two families in this country. These two families committed corruption publicly. Here is a prince walking around and saying, make me prime minister, I will develop Sindh. He further said that Western countries supported Israel, and it was the power of social media that the French government is demanding a ceasefire today. (Roznama Intekhab)
- An FIR was registered against the leaders and workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in Bajaur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after a workers’ convention. 25 leaders have been named in the FIR. Among them is the name of Sher Afzal Marwat, while former provincial minister Anwar Zeib Khan has already been arrested. Earlier, FIRs have been registered against more than 100 activists including Sher Afzal Marwat and 5 former MPs for organizing conventions in Mardan and Swabi. (Roznama Intekhab)
- In Peshawar, the price of a 20 kg bag of flour has increased by 200 rupees in a month. The bag which was available for 2700 rupees last month now costs 2900 rupees. On the other hand, flour dealers cited the increase in wheat prices as the main reason, saying that the government increased the price of wheat, due to which flour became expensive. Dealers said that the price of flour is likely to rise further in the coming days. (Roznama Intekhab)
- Another 2,121 Afghan citizens went back to their homeland yesterday. Among them were 498 women, 634 men and 989 children. Yesterday, 186 families were returned to their homeland through 87 vehicles. So far, a total of 4,21,101 illegal Afghans have returned to their country. (Roznama Intekhab))
- The Chairman of the People’s Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the Prime Minister of the Raiwind wants to be made the Prime Minister for the fourth time. Who has failed three times as a PM what will he do when he becomes a PM fourth time? According to a private TV channel, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, while addressing a rally in Taimargarh, said that a political party wants to take political revenge by winning the elections. Mian Sahib first fought with those who gave him a two-thirds majority. In 2013, Nawaz Sharif again had to fight with them. Mian Sahib had to rest for 10 years due to fighting. Mian Sahib will again fight with those who will give him a two-thirds majority. He said that the politics of division and hatred is on the rise in Pakistan. Instead of political differences, it has come down to personal enmity. The founder of PTI wasted the opportunity by taking revenge. Revenge politics was on the rise during Zaman Park’s prime ministership. We want to end political rivalry and the politics of ego. (Qudrat Daily)
- Former federal ministers Pervez Khattak, Zubaidah Jalal, and Nadeem Afzal Chan became NAB witnesses in the 190 million pounds corruption case against Imran Khan, the founder of PTI. The names of former Principal Secretary Azam Khan, Bank and SECP officers, Patwari East Recovery Unit Secretary, and Deputy Secretary are also included in the list of witnesses. The Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of Al-Qadir Trust will also be the witness of NAB. The NAB has filed a reference against the founder of PTI, Bushra Bibi, and other accused in the accountability court. (Qudrat Daily)
- Toshakhana NAB reference against the founder of PTI Imran Khan is likely to be filed in the next few days. According to the sources, the investigation process has been completed and it has been decided to include the wife of PTI founder Bushra Bibi in the reference. Bushra Bibi has been summoned by NAB on December 11 in the Tosha Khana case, a reference will be filed after the appearance of Bushra Bibi. (Qudrat Daily)
- The Anti-Terrorism Court has summoned the lawyers on January 9 for final arguments on the issue of interim bails for the sisters of PTI founder Imran Khan. According to the details, the Anti-Terrorism Court heard the interim bail application of PTI founder Imran Khan’s sisters in many cases including Jinnah House, the Askari Tower attack, and arson. Judge Arshad Javed of the Anti-Terrorism Court conducted the hearing. The lawyer of the sisters of Imran Khan took a stand in the court that these are just political cases in which there is no evidence against the petitioner. He requested the court to order the prosecution to present the record on a future date. The court extended the interim bail of Asad Umar, Uzma Khan, and Aleema Khan till January 9 while calling the lawyers for final arguments. (Qudrat Daily)
- Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, the leader of the MQM has said that just celebrating International Human Rights Day will not give rights. In his message on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, he said that it will be possible to achieve rights only through practical struggle. Ban is not a solution to any problem, but it is itself a source of many problems. He said that MQM Pakistan stands with all people deprived of human rights. (Qudrat Daily)
- The President of Istehkam e Pakistan Party Aleem Khan has said that there was no agreement on any point with the PML-N. In an interview, Aleem Khan said that Jahangir Tareen was ill, then Shahbaz Sharif visited to see him. Jahangir Tareen now went to meet Shahbaz Sharif. These were non-political meetings. It should be noted that after the meeting of Shahbaz Sharif and Jahangir Tareen, the news of seat adjustment of PML-N and IPP came out, on which conflicting statements were also made by both parties. (Qudrat Daily)
- Former Speaker of the National Assembly Asad Qaiser was arrested once again after being granted bail. According to a private TV channel, the Swabi Police arrested him again under 3MPO, while his bail was approved today. It should be remembered that Asad Qaiser has been accused of vandalizing private property during May 9 riots. (Qudrat Daily)
- Senior Vice President of PTI and Imran Khan’s lawyer Sher Afzal Marwat has been released after strong protests by workers. It should be noted that he was going to address workers’ convention in Bajaur Agency, but on the way he was arrested from Chakdara. PTI confirmed the arrest of Sher Afzal Marwat and said that such tactics are extremely shameful. Arrests and kidnappings of PTI leaders should be stopped immediately. When the news of his arrest came, the PTI workers protested, blocked Chakdara Road, and announced a dharna until his release. Sher Afzal Marwat was arrested by the Swat Police. A heavy contingent of police was deployed on the occasion of the arrest. (Qudrat Daily)
- Syed Haji Abdul Sattar Shah Chishti, Central Information Secretary of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Ideological Pakistan strongly condemned the attack of Sindh nationalist elements on the hotels and shops of Pashtun businessmen in Karachi and vandalizing and damaging the goods. He stated that every day the citizens of Balochistan doing business in various areas in Sindh are being harassed in their shops and homes, which will increase hatred. (Urdu Point)
- Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (Pk-MAP) Quetta District Secretary Syed Ashraf Agha, and District Senior Assistants Saeed Khan Kakar, have stated in a joint statement that hundreds of people submit applications as petitioners after fulfilling all legal requirements for verification of their land records, acquisition of fresh individual, demarcation and allotment of lands. and they have been going around the tehsil and settlement office for years, but instead of implementing their requests to solve the problems of these portioners, they are ridiculed and humiliated. (Urdu Point)
- A symbolic hunger strike protest camp is being held day and night at the Sukkur Press Club by the Priya Kumari Release Committee Sukkur against the non-recovery of hostages Priya Kumari, Ali Asghar Mangreo, Ali Hasan Memon and other hostages. Even after 68 days have passed at the Sukkur Press Club, the hostages have not been recovered and neither the Administrative Officers nor the Elected Representatives have reached the camp and assured support to the heirs of the hostages. (Urdu Point)
- Leaders of political parties and student organizations of Balochistan, former Federal Minister Balochistan Central Information Secretary Agha Hassan Baloch Advocate, Baloch Yakjehti Committee Chairman Shabbir Baloch and other leaders have appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take Suo moto notice of the fake encounter killing of missing Baloch people and hold a judicial inquiry into the extra-constitutional measures and bring the officials involved to justice. The problem should be solved under the laws of the country and the rights given to all nations in the constitution should be protected. (Urdu Point)
- Despite the announcement of elections on February 8, there are still apprehensions/fears of delay in polls. Not just the establishment, but some parties also want to delay polls. On other hand, PPP’s Bilawal is on record saying whatever be the case with other parties, but PPP is ready for polls. Now, PML(N) leaders also say that they are ready for polls, but yet there are a lot of doubts and whispers on polls at times. Some in PML(N) want polls on March 2. PTI wants polls deferred till new chief justice Aijaz Al Hassan takes over as chief justice, Supreme Court. Fazlur Rehman is on record saying law and order conditions are not ideal right now in the country. Sarfaraz Bugti, caretaker home minister also has similar views and says law and order conditions are too bad and says suicide attacks can be made on key leaders. Though all this is being done with eye on deferring polls, but country’s apex court has already directed to hold polls as per schedule. On other hand, election commission has so far not announced any schedule and this lends credence to doubts over elections as announced on Feb.8. The elections are already deferred and lot many violations done in case of polls in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, if similar violations are done also in respect of general polls, then in that case democracy can make no progress in our country and such a state of affairs can be invitation to non-civilian forces for takeover. Hence, the country should not be taken to a state of anarchy and key agencies and institutions must play roles assigned to them. Incidentally, the impression is being created that the real political battlefield during the coming polls will be Punjab. PPP is not that strong as much as PML(N) there in Punjab. Now, it remains to be seen if PML(N) can win the required 172 seats for simple majority or it has to join hands with PPP. In that case, small parties like MQM and others will be kept aside. Meanwhile, both major parties, PPP and PML(N), are seen natural allies of each other despite being seen as political adversaries. (Sindh Express, Allah Bux Rathod)
- None is above accountability, especially those who keep doing political interference in political affairs in the country, and they are not at all above accountability. These non-civilian forces have no feelings for the continuation of democracy in the country. Now that Nawaz Sharif says that he will make all accountable once he is elected to power, one wonders if any civilian PM can do all such things despite the fact that making all accountable is something that everyone in the country would want and appreciate. Question arises: If the PM has any such rights and authority to make former army chiefs accountable? Can any civilian PM take some action against former army heads? We fail to understand why our political parties are still not able to understand what is their political strength? Why do our parties still fail to take lessons from the past and why they cannot check/stop the establishment’s interference in the country’s affairs and political matters? Every time during election times, one or other new party comes up and gets into corridors of power. This time it appears PML(N) is all set for getting into power, but can this party make all those accountable who had toppled its governments in the past? We need not wait for long and we can soon see for ourselves as to how Nawaz Sharif delivers. (Sindh Express, Akhtar Hafeez)
- Though Imran Khan is behind bars, he continues to be a popular leader. Despite the ban on electronic media to use Imran Khan’s name in political debates, talks and shows revolve around him. This time, the youth look impatient to give surprise. Question today is not how much Imran Khan continues to be popular despite his blunders, and more at stake is how much dynastic parties are unpopular today. There is no longer peoples’ say in Balochistan, and it has been silenced long ago there. Same holds good in Sindh too because of the Bhutto factor and peoples’ loyalty to this name. If at all people have any say today it is seen more in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and then in Punjab where peoples’ say still matters. People can still make sweeping changes there. Now, on one hand old cases of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto are being tried in court in an attempt to show that old wrongs are being undone/set right; judiciary today is trying to give impression that it is out to set right wrongs done against Nawaz Sharif on issue of convicting him in work permit issue, and despite such backdrop, attempts are being made today to keep popular leader and the PTI, out of polls. What will be the impact of all this on election and election results if PTI and its leaders are kept out of the election process? Irrespective of whether PTI gets its symbol of Bat or not, still PTI can give surprises provided Imran Khan does not make the mistake of boycotting polls. No matter whatever Fazlur Rehman and Nawaz Sharif and PPP and others might try for alliance but Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa seems to have slipped out of their reach, but uncertainties abound as to who will make in Punjab. If Punjab youth turn their leanings to democracy, here in Punjab too, there can be sweeping changes. People make histories. (Awami Awaz, Imtiaz Alam, Dec.10)
- What is going to happen during the general election and election campaign? This cannot be assessed under normal circumstances, because PTI is busy preparing for the clash with the state, which it will fight as the last battle, and which has already begun in the form of increasing incidents of terrorism by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Intelligence agencies are aware of the conspiracy that large-scale terrorist attacks have been planned to undermine the election process, and a counter-strategy is being prepared. According to a report, planning has been done to target important political figures. The next target would be Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and their families, Asif Zardari, Bilawal Bhutto and their families, and the leaders of the opposition parties of Awami National Party (ANP), Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Apart from leaders, secessionist leaders and their new parties, as well as government institutions, can be targeted by deviating from PTI’s “accomplishments”. There are also warnings about the direction of Imran Khan’s next step and what will be the motivation behind this step. A report has revealed that the subversive group of PTI belonging to KPK is Afghan terrorists. The report states that 23 terrorist organizations around the world are engaged in terrorist activities on the territory of Afghanistan, including 17 terrorist organizations in Pakistan alone, who hate Pakistan. Some of these miscreants participated in the May 9 uprising and participated in attacks on military installations. Pakistan is at the top of the countries targeted by terrorism from the territory of Afghanistan and Tehreek-e-Taliban is at the forefront of carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan, all of whose sympathies are with Tehreek-e-Insaaf. Pervez Khattak, the closest associate of Imran Khan in the past, on the basis of his long association and close experience, described Imran Khan’s character as very selfish, mischievous and used to changing faces to achieve goals, saying that he is a democracy. He has a very authoritarian personality and dual character in the face and believes in using public power to achieve his goals. If we talk about his character, two books and several audio leaks written by women who live near him open the fortress of Imran Khan’s claims of being religious, pious, dignified and honest. While the insiders of the house revealed the facts of 190 million pounds of corruption in the name of Al-Qadir Trust, they exposed their “honesty”. In this demonstration of “honesty”, he had his wife Bushra Bibi, Farah Gogi, Shahzad Akbar and some important government figures as his helpers and allies. The situation changed, Imran Khan’s empire came to an end, the facts started to emerge gradually, when the accounting began, the British National Crime Agency found the missing amount of 190 million pounds sterling sent to the national treasury of Pakistan. When the matter was investigated, it was found that this money had been deposited in the account of another institution instead of the national treasury under the plan and all this was done on the orders of the then Prime Minister Imran Khan. The successive governments filed a case against Imran Khan and his co-accused and handed over the investigation to the National Accountability Bureau. At the beginning of the investigation, almost all the members of Imran Khan’s cabinet took a stand expressing their indifference to this action and presented the fraudulently sealed envelope to the Cabinet meeting and got its approval. The heartbreaking tragedy of May 9, where the nation was shocked, also exposed the real face of Imran Khan and his goal came before the people for what he committed treason and rebellion against Pakistan and its security institutions. They did not hesitate to commit and the public saw that they did nothing to fulfill the international agenda against Pakistan. Imran Khan’s estranged colleagues believe that after the veil has been gradually removed from Imran Khan’s face, the conscious class is separating from him, but those who have a chance to be guided are returning to the truth and those who are blinded by darkness do not see the straight path, their hearts are locked and uncorrectable, and will remain among the misguided group but when consciousness comes, everything will be hanged. (Jang, Shakil Anjum)
- Nawaz Sharif is looking dangerous once again. If he can’t control his anger and if he still wants accountability for the ouster of his previous three governments, then there will be more fears and tears ahead. While the facilitation for Nawaz Sharif’s return was not done to open old trenches and fight old battles, nor is the way for the upcoming elections being paved for him, so that we cannot get out of the history of wars between the army and the civil body, that have worsened the condition of the country and the people. In the current situation, whatever government comes in, there will be no other choice apart from improving the economy, promoting business conditions and investment, controlling inflation, development in agriculture, IT, mining and other sectors and good governance for solving public problems. We barely escape from default but if the country is to be saved from this danger and come out of economic difficulties, then Nawaz Sharif will really have to forget his anger, his personal vendetta etc. Those who are bringing Nawaz Sharif are also focused on fixing Pakistan’s economy, business, tax system, etc., ensuring the privatization of public institutions that are losing trillions so that Pakistan can achieve economic stability. Our exports should increase, our factories should run, and employment opportunities should increase. If Nawaz Sharif has come back to fight, then let Imran Khan also fight the elections, why should the PTI’s way be blocked? Then those who win the election take their revenge. PTI is being stopped because if Imran Khan wins the election, then it means that a new fight with the army will start as soon as the new government comes, which will not bring political stability or economic stability will be possible in Pakistan. A big mistake like Imran Khan’s fight with the army paved the way for Nawaz Sharif’s comeback. Now, if he wants to repeat his old mistakes, it is his will, however, neither Pakistan nor the people will get anything from this attitude. He has a golden opportunity to work day and night to improve Pakistan’s economy with the help of the army, focus on improving governance, control inflation and most importantly, give the people their best governance. Make sure that when people go to government departments for their work, their work is prompt, without bribery or recommendation. They should not be pushed, they should be respected. Change the police, police station, kitchen, finance department, bureaucracy, and electricity and gas departments to serve the people so that the people’s work can be done in a smooth manner according to merit. The ruler who will change Pakistan in the true sense, people will be with him, the economy will be good, the governance will be excellent, people will be happy with the services of the government departments, and then the establishment will also have to withdraw from political affairs. Other than that, there are no shortcuts. Nawaz Sharif should use the support he is getting from the establishment for the benefit of Pakistan and the people. Nawaz Sharif should control his anger and should not waste the opportunity that is being created for him. (Jang, Ansar Abbasi)
- Be it caretaker or elected, everyone loves people very much. All of them have nothing more important than public interest and they are all getting weak and thin in public concern. After showing so much love to the people, the rulers are preparing inflation vaccine for them every day and applying it according to the instructions of the IMF. The weekly report of Survey of Pakistan said that eggs and pulses have become more expensive. On the other hand, inflation is injected by increasing electricity tariff rates every month and this is called fuel adjustment. Whether petroleum products are cheap in the international market or not, Pakistani people must be vaccinated against their will of inflation. While the fixed rates have been increased several times and more are being prepared. Apart from politics, it became necessary to mention public politics (problems). Advertisements are running on electronic media asking people to file their income and property declarations. Those who fail to do so will have their electricity and phone connections cut off. The provision for this purpose is and warning that the non-filer’s essential usage connections will be cut or closed. According to tax non-filers are people who are eligible for tax and do not file tax. But now in this category those people are also included, whose income is below the tax limit and they are not liable for income tax. All this is being done because the FBR cannot trace the real taxpayers nor collect the tax from the business class. So, the burden is being shifted to poor people like us. (Choudhary Khadem Hussain, Roznama Intekhab)
- Convening of “Grand Jirga” for peace and prosperity in Balochistan is a welcome event. Caretaker Chief Minister of Balochistan Mardan Khan Domki once again invited the disgruntled Baloch leaders and militants to join the national stream through Jirga. It was emphasized in the Jirga that the militants should lay down their weapons and play an important role in national development. Caretaker Chief Minister, provincial cabinet members, and more than 150 tribal elders, elders, former parliamentarians, prominent Baloch personalities, and scholars participated in this Jirga. Undoubtedly, the Jirga included representation of all the tribes from different parts of Balochistan. “I would like to request all people to take a personal interest in solving the problems of tribal conflicts in Balochistan and intensify efforts for peaceful resolution of conflicts between local tribes,” said the caretaker CM. The Jirga welcomed those who had been involved in anti-state activities for a long time in the past but now believe that it results only in destruction and have now joined the national mainstream. The tribal leaders emphasized the need for the help of commissioners, deputy commissioners, and administrative officers to resolve disputes and in this regard called for the formation of regional reconciliation committees to ensure the promotion of peace by resolving disputes at the local level. Former militant leader Gulzar Imam Shambe also spoke in this Jirga and said that I have concluded that the problem can be solved only through peace talks. After the changing situation of the world and my arrest, I realized that the political method is the best and only way for the rights of Balochistan. All the stakeholders of the province have to show seriousness by realizing their past mistakes. We have to pave the way to give opportunities to the youth of the province for parliamentary politics and service. It should be noted that in the past, various governments talked about negotiations with the angry Balochs, and the people on the mountains were also invited to throw down their arms and join the national stream, but those efforts could not be successful. Even now, if the environment is not made conducive atmosphere for serious and meaningful negotiations, the chances of success will diminish. The gulf between Balochistan and the Federation has existed for decades. Unfortunately, it is increasing rather than decreasing with time. (Muhammad Abdullah Hameed Gull-Dunya Daily) ###
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